What is a file extension?

The file extension is a suffix added to the file name, indicating the type of file that holds distinct content. This extension is separated by a dot (.) from the given file name.



The extension typically consists of three or more characters. Operating systems and software utilize the extension to identify the file type and determine which application should be used to open or process the file.

For instance, consider the file named README.md. In this example, “README” is the file name, and “MD” is the extension. The extension indicates that it is a Markdown document.

In Windows, the system uses the file extension to associate it with an application or software for modification or opening purposes.

File extension types

There are various extensions categorized based on their types. Here are just a few examples:

  • Text Files

    • .txt : Plain Text Files
    • .csv : Comma Separated Value files
    • .json : javascript object notation files
    • .toml : Tom’s Obvious Minimal Language files
    • .ini : javascript object notation files
    • .yaml : javascript object notation files
    • .properties : javascript object notation files
    • .ini : javascript object notation files
    • .html : javascript object notation files
    • .xml : javascript object notation files
    • .md : markdown files
  • Document Files

    • .ppt : Microsoft Powerpoint
    • .doc: Microsoft Word Document
    • .docx : Microsoft Open XML Document
    • .pdf : Portable Document format
    • .xls: Microftw Spreadsheet
    • .xlsx : Open Spreadsheet files
  • Executable file types:

    • .bat: batch files in Windows
    • .app: Application bundle in MacOS
    • .exe: Executable file in Windows
    • .sh: Shell Script in Linux & Unix
  • Image file types

    • .png: Portable Network Graphic format image
    • .jpg or .jpeg: Joint Photographic Experts Group image format
    • .bmp: Bitmap image format file
    • .webp: Bitmap image format file
    • .svg: Scalable Vector Graphics format
    • .avif: AV1 Image File Format
  • Video

    • .mkv - Matroska video file
    • .mp4 - MPEG-4 video file
    • .avi: Audio Video Interleave format
  • Audio types: mp4,avi,mp3

    • .mp3 - MPEG Audio Layer III file
    • .wav - Waveform audio file

File Extension Tutorials

It is an index page for the list of tutorials for file extension.

flowchart TD File --> yaml File --> markdown File --> toml File --> xml File --> json File --> ini File --> properties File --> hocon File --> csv click yaml "/file/yaml-introduction" "Yaml File extension tutorials and examples" _blank click markdown "/file/markdown-introduction" "markdown File extension tutorials and examples"_blank click toml "/file/toml-introduction" "toml File extension tutorials and examples" _blank click xml "/file/xml-learning" "XML File extension tutorials and examples"_blank click json "/file/json-tutorial" "JSON File extension tutorials and examples" _blank click ini "/file/ini-extension-introduction" "INI File extension tutorials and examples"_blank click properties "/file/properties-extension-introduction" "properties extension File extension tutorials and examples" _blank click hocon "/file/hocon-introduction" "hocon File extension tutorials and examples"_blank click csv "/file/csv-extension-introduction" "csv File extension tutorials and examples" _blank
File TypeDescription
yamlYaml extension tutorials validation examples
markdownmarkdown extension tutorials validation examples
tomltoml extension tutorials validation examples
xmlxml extension tutorials validation examples
jsonjson extension tutorials validation examples
iniini extension tutorials validation examples
propertiesproperties extension tutorials validation examples
hoconhocon extension tutorials validation examples
csvcsv extension tutorials validation examples

What is the difference between ini files and property files

Both types allow you to have key and value configurations.


Ini file has sections enclosed in square brackets [] and properties do not allow sections.


In the case of properties, values with duplicate keys are overridden. If the key value is repeated multiple times, the last key value is considered


During reading, the name value is considered as the mark.

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JSON - Comments

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JSON - Examples

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JSON - Cheatsheet

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JSON - Javascript

This tutorial covers pretty print json objects for easily readable, parse json objects, and writing to a json file with examples.

Posted December 31, 2023 by  ‐ 2 min read


This tutorial covers pretty print json objects for easily readable, parse json objects, and writing to a json file with examples in Nodejs Application.

Posted December 31, 2023 by  ‐ 3 min read


Difference between XML and JSON and comparison.

Posted December 31, 2023 by  ‐ 1 min read


This tutorial covers the essentials of JSOn file frequently asked questions and interview answers.

Posted December 31, 2023 by  ‐ 2 min read

JSON - Notepad++

step-by-step How to pretty print json files and enable syntax highlight in Notepad++ editor How can open json files json valid or invalid

Posted December 31, 2023 by  ‐ 2 min read

JSON - Python Read & Write

This tutorial covers step by step How to read and write files with indent, sort keys, encoding utf-8 with examples

Posted December 31, 2023 by  ‐ 2 min read

JSON - Ruby Read & Write

This tutorial covers step by step How to read and write files into a ruby hash with exception-handling examples

Posted December 31, 2023 by  ‐ 3 min read

Properties File - Getting Started

This tutorial covers the essentials of property file introduction advantages disadvantages use cases file extension and mime type.

Posted December 31, 2023 by  ‐ 3 min read

Properties File - Comments

This tutorial covers the Properties File Comments with examples| Inline comments, block level comments are not supported.

Posted December 31, 2023 by  ‐ 2 min read

Properties File - escape characters

This tutorial covers the Properties File escape special equal dollar backslash hash symbols and characters with examples

Posted December 31, 2023 by  ‐ 2 min read

Properties File - Dart

This tutorial covers the read-and-write properties file in Dart and Flutter with examples

Posted December 31, 2023 by  ‐ 3 min read

Properties File - Example

This tutorial covers the Properties File with all features in Java with examples

Posted December 31, 2023 by  ‐ 1 min read

Properties File - Golang

This tutorial covers the read-and-write properties file in Golang with examples

Posted December 31, 2023 by  ‐ 3 min read

Properties File - Ruby

This tutorial covers the read-and-write properties file in Ruby with examples

Posted December 31, 2023 by  ‐ 2 min read

Properties File - Groovy Read & Write

Learn how to read and write a properties file in groovy example key and values as well as line by line and also write key and values

Posted December 31, 2023 by  ‐ 3 min read

Properties File - Java Read & Write

This tutorial explains step by step how to read a properties file with key and values,,line by line , write key and values to the properties file

Posted December 31, 2023 by  ‐ 3 min read

Properties File - Maven

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Properties File - Nodejs Read & Write

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Properties File - Python Read & Write

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Posted December 31, 2023 by  ‐ 3 min read

Properties File - Shell Read & Write

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Posted December 31, 2023 by  ‐ 3 min read

Properties File - Spring Read & Write

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Posted December 31, 2023 by  ‐ 4 min read

Properties - encoding

This tutorial explains step by step how to read and write a properties file in Spring Boot with encoding default and UTF-8 example with example

Posted December 31, 2023 by  ‐ 2 min read

TOML - Tutorials

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Posted December 31, 2023 by  ‐ 3 min read

TOML - File Editors

This tutorial covers toml file configuration Editors and IDES for creating and editing settings and configuration files files

Posted December 31, 2023 by  ‐ 1 min read

TOML - Go Lang

This tutorial covers How to read and write toml file in Go Language with examples

Posted December 31, 2023 by  ‐ 3 min read

TOML - Nodejs

This tutorial covers How to read and write toml file with javascript and nodejs examples

Posted December 31, 2023 by  ‐ 3 min read

TOML - Python

This tutorial covers How to read and write toml file in python with examples

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TOML - Syntax

This tutorial covers toml syntax with examples of valid and invalid keys, adding comments in toml file

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TOML - Array & collection

This tutorial covers TOML tutorials, examples of Array lists, Objects, strings, numbers, indented styles, dictionaries empty arrays, and sequences

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TOML Datatypes

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Posted December 31, 2023 by  ‐ 3 min read

TOML - java example

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TOML - sample file

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CSV File - Getting Started

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CSV - Panda Read & Write

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Posted January 1, 0001 by  ‐ 2 min read

CSV - Perl Read & Write

This tutorial covers How to Read and Write CSV files in Perl with example tutorials.

Posted January 1, 0001 by  ‐ 2 min read

CSV - Python Read & Write

This tutorial covers How to Read and Write CSV files in Python with example tutorials.

Posted January 1, 0001 by  ‐ 2 min read

CSV File - Comments

This tutorial covers the CSV file comments with sample examples.

Posted January 1, 0001 by  ‐ 1 min read

CSV File - Components

This tutorial covers the essentials of a CSV extension file with a header, table data of rows and columns, escape characters, and quote comments.

Posted January 1, 0001 by  ‐ 3 min read

CSV File - Sample

This tutorial covers the CSV file with or without headers with sample examples.

Posted January 1, 0001 by  ‐ 1 min read

RSS - Getting Started

This tutorial covers the essentials of RSS extension file tutorials advantages and disadvantages of MIME extension content-type accept type RSS file format.

Posted January 1, 0001 by  ‐ 4 min read

RSS - Structure

This tutorial covers the RSS feed XML component and structure sample example and use in websites for telling browsers

Posted January 1, 0001 by  ‐ 1 min read