Markdown Emphasis Bold Text
Strong or bold texts displayed using enclosing content between two asterisks *
or two underscores _
**It is Bold text**
__It is Bold text__
The following displayed content will be shown to the browser.
It is Bold text:
It is Bold text:
converted HTML code is
<strong>It is Bold text</strong>
<strong>It is Bold text</strong>
Markdown Emphasis Italics Text
Italic items are created by including asterisks *
or underscore _
*It is Italic text*
_Underscore text_
The following displayed content will be shown to the browser.
It is Italic text:
Italic text:
This is strikethrough Text
converted HTML code is
<em>It is Italic text</em>
<em>Italic text</em>
Markdown Emphasis Strikethrough Text
Strike through text created by making two tildes ~
start and end of content.
~~This is strikethrough Text~~
The following displayed content will be shown to the browser.
This is strikethrough Text
converted HTML code is
<del>This is strikethrough Text</del>