YAML Editor

YAML is a data representation language with syntax. Simple text editors, such as ’notepad,’ create YAML documents. It is error-prone if the document’s content is changed manually in the editor.

Many editors support yaml with the following features.

  • Document validation
  • Formatting documents
  • Comparing the yaml files
  • Syntax highlight
  • Autocomplete

All the major editors support yaml language either inbuilt or via plugins

YAML Visual Studio code

yaml-language server uses yaml language as an inbuilt feature in VSCode. yaml extension files are enabled by default. During the opening of the file, all default options are enabled to true.

For example, to change default settings, Go to Language server settings for YAML

and change the following properties as per your needs

  • yaml.format.enable - This format the document or not
  • yaml.validate - enable or disable validate contents of the yaml file

A lot of other settings exists to support different configuration.

Is there a YAML editor?

There is no special editor for only Editing YAML files. All the popular editors and IDE are used for the yaml file.

Every editor supports all yaml syntax features natively or extended using plugins.

How do I edit a Yaml file?

You can view and open the yaml file in any text editor. If you want to edit the file, It is best to use IDE or code editor such as Sublime Text and atom. These provide syntax color highlight and validation auto format and linter features.