Editors are useful for creating and modifying the files,They also support providing the following features for TOML files.

  • Syntax validation and color
  • Auto indentation
  • format
  • Syntax highlights colors

There are two types of editors with open-source plugins for popular editors.

TOML IDE editor

Some popular editors support toml configurations with plugins.

  • Intelli IDE: It is a popular editor with extended functionality using plugins. Toml plugin provides to work with toml config files.

  • VIM Editor: vim-toml plugin provides open and creates config files with the play2 framework

  • eclipse: as there are not many plugins for Eclipse, one can use Eclipse Corrosion plugin to open and edit cargo toml files in Eclipse

  • atom editor: It has support inbuilt as a language with basic syntax highlighting using language-toml package

  • Notepad: you can still edit and create a file with Notepad but you will not get color, auto indentation, and validation errors with the format.

  • Notepad++: This toml plugin provides syntax coloring.

  • Sublime Text Editor: this plugin supports toml and tml configuration syntax

Online editor TOML

There are many online editors on the web to validate and edit the TOML files.