Editors are useful for creating and modifying the files and They also support providing the following features for hocon files

  • Syntax validation and color
  • Auto indentation
  • format
  • Syntax highlights colors

There are two types of editors with opensource plugins for popular editors

hocon IDE editor

Some popular editors support hocon configurations with plugins

  • Intelli IDE: It is a popular editor with extended functionality using plugins. intellij-hocon plugin provides to work with hocon config files.
  • VIM Editor: vim-hocon plugin provides open and creates config files with the play2 framework
  • eclipse: as there are not many plugins for eclipse, one can use typesafe-config-eclipse plugin to open and edit files in eclipse
  • atom editor: It has support in built as a language with basic syntax highlighting using language-hocon package
  • Notepad: you can still edit and create a file with notepad but you will not get color, auto-indentation, and validation errors with the format

Hocon is similar and derived from json, Most of the time, You can use popular json editors with the hocon config editor.

Online Editor

There are many online editors on the web to validate and edit the hocon files