Jenkins runs build such as maven compilation build and release tasks as part of job.

It runs concurrent jobs based on available executors. Executors are thread configured using configuration.

Jenkins is based on master slave architecture.

By default, 2 executors are configured in master and slave node machines.

This number can be changed using configuration

You to find the How much is allowed limit executors based on below things

  • It is based on hardware such as CPU cores, Disk, SSD and Memory usage

Jenkins Maximum Number of concurrent jobs

Master configuration

  • Go to Jenkins UI

  • Select Manage Jenkins

  • Select Configure System

  • Enter number in # of executors text box, Default is 2. Slave Configuration

  • Go to Jenkins UI

  • Select Manage Jenkins

  • Select Nodes, Mine is Built in Node

  • If there are multiple nodes, select and Configure each node

  • Select node -> Configure

  • Enter number in # of executors textbox, default is 2.

  • Enter number in # of executors textbox

For example, Master contains 4 executors, Slave Contains 2 nodes where each node 2 executors.

Maximum number of jobs executed is calculated as

maximum = master executors + Number of slave nodes Each node executors i.e 4+22= 8