Comments are useful texts to describe lines of code and improve the readability of a code.

It is ignored by the compiler and only for developers

Multiple ways we can write a comment in Clojure.

Clojure Comment Macro


(comment & body)

Here is an example

  ;; First program.
  ;; Hello World.

  (defn -main []
    "I can say 'Hello World'."
    (println "Hello, World!"))

Clojure Single line comments

It provides a semicolon(;) macro that starts with a single line, followed by text. text is ignored by the compiler.

Single-line comments can be new line or inline comments.

; Single line comments
(+ 12 1) 

Inline comments

(+ 12 1) ; inline comments

with this, You can add multiple ; to identify heading types.

; - used for inline or single-line comments ;;- Documentation comments for functions that contain strings ;;;- Documentation comments for a group of functions declared in a single file ;;;;- File level comments, higher level in a file

Multi-line comments

Multi-line comments allow to add of comments to multiple lines of code. Comments can be placed in multiple lines nested in () or []. Syntax