This tutorials explains how to upgrade cargo to latest stable version

tThere are multiple ways to upgrade cargo version to latest version

Upgrade cargo to latest version

First, Check cargo version using below command in the terminal.

cargo --version

It lists current version installed on your machine.

One way is using

you can use install command in the terminal and install cargo with latest version. it does not upgrade rust version to latest only

cargo install cargo --force

This command reinstall the cargo and upgrades to latest version Another way using rustup command.

rustup update stable

This command update the stable version of Rust and cargo to latest stable version.

To verify the cargo latest version,

Find the cargo installed version

cargo --version

It lists new latest version installed on your machine.

Sometimes, Youw need to upgrade rust version to nightly or beta version.

nightly or beta versions are not released to public, still you can install these versions using below command.

# Update cargo to nightly version
rustup update nightly
# Update cargo to beta version
rustup update beta