This tutorial explains frequently used commands of the Cargo Package Manager:

  • cargo init
  • cargo build
  • cargo test
  • cargo publish
  • cargo run
  • cargo doc
  • cargo clean to clean the artifacts

How to Create a New Rust Project

The cargo new command is used to create a new application.

cargo new rustapp
 Created binary (application) `rustapp` package

It creates a new application folder named rustapp, which contains Cargo.toml to store metadata such as name, version, dependencies sections, and profiles.

You can also use cargo new --vcs none to create a new project without any version control system configuration.

How to Install Crate Binaries from

The cargo install command is used to install binaries from

cargo install package

Here, package is a crate name library from

Cargo Release Profiles

Release profiles are profiles used to store pre-created and custom configurations with more configuration options to compile code in Rust. They are used with the cargo build command.

Cargo has two profiles: release and dev.

The release profile is used to release packages, while dev is the default profile used for development.

cargo build uses the default profile dev. To build a release profile, use the --release option.

cargo build
cargo build --release

Publish a Package

First, log in to website and obtain a token.

cargo login token

Next, run the cargo publish command to publish to

cargo publish