This post discuss about different operators supported by MSDOS and Batch Scripting

What is an operator?

Operator is an symbol in programming that performsn an operation on operands


operand1 operator operand2

There are two types of operators.

  • Binary Operator: It operates on two operands such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus
  • unary operator: It operats on single operand such as increment and decrement

Batch Unary Operator


Bash Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators in Bash provide arithmetic operations such as add, division, subtraction, and division multiplication operators.

+Additionaddition of two or more operands%p%+%q%=50
-Subtractionsubtraction of two or more operands%q%-%p%=10
*Multiplicationmultiplication of two or more operands%p%*%q%=600
/Divideresults quotient after the division of values%q/%p%=1.5
%%ModulusReturn the remainder after the division of values%q%%p%=10
%ModulusReturn the remainder after the division of values%q%%p%=10
-exprUnary Minusreverse of an expression-(10-7) is -3
~/Division Intreturns division int value(10~/7) is 1
++IncrementIncrement the value by 1++%p%=21
--DecrementDecrement the value by 1--%q%=29

Here is an arithmetic operator example

@echo off
SET /A p = 10
SET /A q = 5
SET /A sum = %p% + %q%
echo %sum%
SET /A substract = %p% - %q%
echo %substract%
SET /A divideResult = %p% / %q%
echo %divideResult%
SET /A multResult = %p% * %q%
echo %multResult%

set /A p+=12
echo %p%
set /A p-=12
echo %p%



Bash Logical Operators

ANDLogical ANDaddition of two or more operandsp+q=50

Assignment Operators

Bitwise Operators

AND&Bitwise AND of two operands$op1 & $op2 is 0
AND Equal&=Bitwise AND Equal of two operands$op1 & $op2 is 0
OR|Bitwise OR of two operands$op1 | $op2 is 7
XOR^Bitwise XOR of two operands$op1 ^ $op2 is 7
Left Shift<<Bitwise Left Shift of two operands$op1 & $op2 is 0
Left Shift Eql<<=Bitwise Left Shift Equal of two operands$op1| $op2 is 7
XOR^Bitwise XOR of two operands$op1 ^ $op2 is 7
XOR^=Bitwise XOR Equal of two operands$op1 ^ $op2 is 7

Logical operators

Comma Operator