Every Year EMMA International releases new features to JavaScript.

ES14 is new version released in June 2023

What’s new in ES14?

The following four features are released in ES14.

  • Array find elements from last
--- title: W3schoolsio ES14 Array Last Methods --- %%{init: {"flowchart": {"htmlLabels": false}} }%% flowchart TD markdown["`**ES14(ECMAScript2023)**`"] array["`**Array.prototype**`"] findlast["`**findLast** Method`"] findlastindex["`**findLastIndex** Method`"] markdown --> array array --> findlast array --> findlastindex
  • Hashbang Shebang Grammar
--- title: W3schoolsio ES14 Array immutable Methods --- %%{init: {"flowchart": {"htmlLabels": false}} }%% flowchart TD markdown["`**ES14(ECMAScript2023)**`"] hashbang["`**Hashbang** Grammar`"] markdown --> hashbang
  • WeakMap allows Symbol keys
--- title: W3schoolsio ES14 Array immutable Methods --- %%{init: {"flowchart": {"htmlLabels": false}} }%% flowchart TD markdown["`**ES14(ECMAScript2023)**`"] hashbang["`**WeakMap Symbol Keys**`"] markdown --> hashbang
  • Immutable Array methods
graph TD arrays(findLast and findLastIndex) hashbang(Hashbang Grammar) symbols(Symbols in WeakMap keys) arraycopy(Array by copy methods) ES14 ==> arrays ES14 ==> hashbang ES14 ==> symbols ES14 ==> arraycopy click arrays "/macos-tutorials" "Apple MacOS tutorials and examples" _blank

List of features Released in ECMAScript 2023

What is the latest ES version of JavaScript?

Latest Version is ECMAScript 2023 released on June 2023. It added four features to JavaScript language.

ES14 JavaScript release date

ECMAScript 2023 completed propsals for Stage 4 and Released on June 2023.

ES14 Browser support

Chrome supports the features Since version 110.